Imagining Poetry Today. Responses to P. B. Shelley’s Defence of Poetry (1821)
Imagining Poetry Today
Responses to P. B. Shelley’s Defence of Poetry (1821)
On Monday 23 May 2022 at 10 am., in the Odeion Room of the Humanities Building, there will be a lecture 'Imagining Poetry Today. Responses to P. B. Shelley's Defence of Poetry (1821),' organised by the Department of European, American and Intercultural Studies. Two centuries after the publication of P. B. Shelley's 'Defence of Poetry', scholars and poets will gather in Rome to celebrate one of the masterpieces of English Romanticism and discuss the role of poetry today. These themes will be explored in the morning session at La Sapienza with some of the leading Italian and international experts on Shelley's work. Furthermore, in the afternoon, at the Keats-Shelley Memorial House, three leading poets of the contemporary poetry scene - Franco Buffoni, Laura Pugno and Guido Mazzoni - will offer their views on the defence of poetry today. During the event, the three authors will also read their texts together with translations of Shelley's poetry.
10:00 a.m. - Sapienza University of Rome, Faculty of Humanities, Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, Odeion room.
Institutional greetings, Provost Professor Antonella Polimeni
Dean of the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, Professor Arianna Punzi
Head of the DSEAI Department ,Professor Camilla Miglio
Chair: Andrea Peghinelli
Lilla Crisafulli (University of Bologna), “A Defence of Poetry”: Shelley’s engagement with futurity
Michael Rossington (Newcastle University), The afterlives of “A Defence of Poetry” in the writings of the Shelleys
Paolo Bugliani (University of Pisa), “The age of romance was over. The age of realism had begun”. Forme della Difesa della poesia nel Modernismo
ore 16:00 - Keats-Shelley Memorial House, Piazza di Spagna 26.
Contemporary Poets on Shelley’s Defence
Chair: Carmen Gallo
Invited Poets: Franco Buffoni, Laura Pugno, Guido Mazzoni.